Your Success is Our Success!

The top personal injury attorneys in Lafayette LA, Brandt & Sherman have been fighting insurance Goliaths for over 30 years and know what it takes to knock them down to size.

We Fight Goliaths.

Running Brandt & Sherman through our patented BAM™ revealed that Interest, Presence and Relevance was low compared to their competitors.

To counter this, we maximized growth through mixed media, optimized experiences, and measured conversions. With BAM™ technologies, it’s injury lawyer marketing backed by science. This included a new narrative to counter their competition, rooted in the familiar David vs. Goliath metaphor, with an all-new marketing campaign and website redesign

Like other large South Carolina personal injury firms, HawkLaw had for years focused on growing into the category with a more traditional and costly Share of Voice approach to their personal injury marketing.

Driving profit and lower
costs with BAM™

Using the analytical power of BAM™, we identified key opportunities to gain market share previously overlooked, including the impact and importance of “digital” to the client journey. Focus was redirected to an improved website, keyword ranking, and search engine marketing to align with the 360 degree campaign. ROI improved significantly and rapidly.
With BAM™ and our data-driven approach, we helped HawkLaw endure very challenging conditions in its category, drove down its case acquisition cost, and helped guide the company to a more digital-centric marketing platform.

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